
Name: JoJO
Date/Time: 7/26/2003 12:13:12 PM
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
Grievance: You GTE people should be shitting your brains out, If you think
the police are really going to protect you when we mobile picket you, your
nuts. Sure they may protect from physical harm, but how are you going to
feel when your up on a cross box, surrounded by 30-40 union people screaming
at you. Remember Police are union too, and have looked the other way during
previous strikes.SCABS will PAY!!
It would be nice is SARS hits TEXAS, I HATE YOU FUCKING GTE scabs I can't
wait to bring out my BAT and start swinging at your faces.!!!!
your friend

but this is a little comforting...

Name: Anonymous
Date/Time: 7/26/2003 9:18:20 PM
City: NY
State: New York
Grievance: The company has hired additional security. In New York City they
are paying off duty police $300 per day to follow scabs with video cameras.
They hired police cause they are expert witnesses and if you are caught
assaulting scabs the company will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the
law. Now before you start badmouthing me, I want the union to beat this
greedy company. I got some inside info and want to pass it along to the
union members. Personally I would like to see all the scabs beat down as
they are scumbags but you can get out of being caught on video and to have a
cop as the cameraman/witness you will be finished,job/record/jail. Be
careful guys,you can win on the merits.

See-everythings going to be just fine.
Perfectly safe.
Anybody there?