
Chris came home just three weeks ago and told me a story from his office at American dispatch.

The rumor went something like this: An American flight attendant called in a personal day for the morning of the September 11th attacks. The flight she was supposed to be working, flew into the World Trade Center that day and so miraculously, her life was spared. Now, almost 5 years later, on a visit to Dallas for a friend’s wedding, she is hit by a drunk driver and killed.

‘You know, I planned that 9/11 flight on the midnight shift.’ Chris says.
‘That story’s awful,’ I say ‘but it does kinda sound a little urban legendy….’

And so again, we reverted back to our servitude of the house, a virtual vacume of the outside world. Newsprint and television cannot even penetrate the demands of its dilapidation and greedy screams for attention.

After hacking through 5 foot tall man eating holly bushes, and excavating 3 feet leaf drifts from the flower beds, Chris was ready to blow off some steam. Chris was ready to burn.

He types in ‘Keller burn ban’ to see if he can google up a site that will let him know if the drought conditions will allow it. The first entry reads:

‘The Denton County burn ban has been lifted however….
Stephen Mole was tried on two counts of…’

‘Heather! Get in here! Chris yells at me from the office. When we double click the suggested link we find out….

That the man we just bought our house from, has killed that American Airlines flight attendant. Manslaughter, Intoxication.

Link here