
The outside of my boarding pass is screaming this, and now it is everywhere with me.
Designed to prompt the half dazed traveler to stay on his toes, so that when the question comes up the line might keep moving steadily.
For me, it is a question of philosophy. Are you of the journey or are you of the destination?
Aisle people are goal oriented and focused. They are on a plane to get something done. To complete a task. To answer a call. To make some progress. They think about getting off of the plane before they can even book a ticket.
I am a window.
I want to see what lies below. To take in the trip, and notice the land. I celebrate forgetting about where I am going. I celebrate the time spent doing nothing but sitting still.

Sometimes here at Vila Santa we are all so very quiet. The house feels like a refuge, as though we are all here for a recovery...waiting to get better.
I walk through the streets of Guadalajara, a runaway. On the street corners, men hold up signs pushing phone cards. I donĀ“t want to talk on the phone yet. I hate the idea of it, and sometimes I think I could go three month without.